Saturday, February 20, 2010

Am I ignorning the deeper issues in life?

Hmmm.... I don't think so.... but perhaps.  I feel like for me the deeper issues are things like: justice, love, compassion, responsibility; and I feel like I do spend a good amount of time thinking about those issues.  What I think I am guilty of is  failing to put God into those deeper issues.  I believe that God wants equality for everyone and the end of violence and hatred.... but I don't always state my beliefs on the subject of justice as a faith issue.  I know that Creator God is a loving God who cares for us, and my tree-hugger beliefs include the understand that one of the ways we express our gratitude to the Creator is to care for all of creation... but that isn't usually included in my soapbox statements about electric cars and recycling.

I don't think I live a completely self-involved life, but that's probably a sign that I do.  I admit to being more concerned about my daily life than the bigger picture on the average day - and I will work to shift that balance.  More importantly, I want to work to include God more in my language and practice of my daily life.  

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